Friday, August 28, 2009

Is This The New World-Record Largemouth?

This just in from Japan: the world-record largemouth bass may have been bested. Here are the first photos.

According to some Internet chatter from California-based website, this bass, caught by angler Manabu Kurita, has already been certified as weighing 22 pounds, 5 ounces.

The fish was supposedly taken from Lake Biwa in Japan, the same lake where a 25-pound bass was reportedly netted earlier this year.

But here's the potential hitch: George Perry's world-record bass weighed in at 22 pounds, 4 ounces. By IGFA rules, any fish under 25 pounds that is a contender for world-record status must top the current world record by two ounces. It seems all this bass may do is tie. Stay tuned to F& for more info as it unfolds.

If the weight of this catch is accurate, it wouldn't be the first bass to top Perry's record.


  1. I just received some late breaking news on this situation at my site. It is longer than the 4096 characters that this site allows so if you want to read it all just go to

  2. Thanks for the update Steve. For all of you out there that want to check out a great sight. Go to

  3. the new site is The Bass College at
